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Health lifestyle Awareness among Somali Community in Leicester

Waxaa haboon in aan ku baraarugsanaano wax yaalaha wax tarka u leh caafimaad keena iyo in aan iska jirno ama ilaalino wax yaalaha wax u dhimi kara caafimaad keena sida:
1. Misaan kaaga oo ka culus intii loogu talagalay
2. Isticmaalka macmacaanka iyo sonkorta
3. Cuntada banaanka sida(Fried foods).
4. In aad taahay qof aan bulshada ku xirneyn
5. In aadan wakhti siin in aad ogaato duruufaha nolosha ee kula soo darsa sidii aad xal ugu heli laheyd

Wax yaalaha caafimaad kaaga wax tari kara waxaa ka mid ah:
1. In aad xasuusnaato faa’iidada iyo joogteynta jimicsiga jirka ugu yaraan 30 daqiiqo maalin kasta, uma baahnid in aad gym aado ee adiga oo gurigaaga jooga ayaad sameyn kartaa, tusaale, guriga dhexdiisa ayaad socod ku sameyn kartaa, ka qeyb qaadashada nadiifinta guriga ayaa qeyb weyn ka ah jimicsiga, sida in aad guriga hoovering ku sameyso maalinkii 3-4 jeer.
2. Cunitaanka qudaarta iyo Miraha (5 A day portion)
3. Cunitaanka cunto yar oo nafaqo leh(less portion size with high nutrients)
4. In aad tahay qof bulshada ku xiran
5. In aad caawimaad iyo talo ka raadsato qoys, qof ama xarumaha addeega bulshada oo aad ku kalsoon tahay, markii ay kula soo daristo arrin ama marxalad kugu adkaato in aad xaliso.

It is important to be aware of things that are good for your health and to avoid things that may be harmful to your health, such as: 1. Your weight is heavier than it should be 2. Consumption of sweets and sugar 3. Fried foods. 4. Being a non-social person 5. Not taking the time to be aware of the life circumstances that come with it to find a solution Some health benefits include: 1. To remember and maintain the benefits of physical activity for at least 30 minutes every day, you do not need to go to the gym in your own home, you can, for example, at home you can walk, take part in a massive house cleaning from exercise, such as doing hoovering at home 3-4 times a day. 2. Eating vegetables and fruits (5 A day portion) 3. Eating less portion size with high nutrients 4. That you are a social person 5. Seek help and advice from a family, person or social service provider you trust, when an issue or situation you find difficult to resolve.


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The Somali Community Parents Association (SOCOPA) was set up in 2005 with the aim of helping Somali refugees and migrants in Leicester understand and access key services including health, education and housing. We act as a focal point for the community, offering practical support and leadership to improve people’s lives.

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