Waxaan lasocodsiineynaa waalidiinta Soomaliyeed ee reer Leicester in aan mar kale fursad ka helnay Dr. Fatuma Osman oo Bare sare ka ah jamacad ku taal dalka sweden ay nasiin doonto muxaadaro cilmiyeed la xiriirta isfahamka ubadka ku barbaaray wadamadaan reer galbeedka iyo waalidiinta ku soo barbaaray wadankii Somalia iyo dhibaatooyinka ka dhex abuurma labadaan dhaqan oo kala durugsan. Kulanku waa maalinta Axada 6da December 4galabnimo ilaa 6 galabnimo.
Goobtu waa: zoomka kor ku qoran.
English version
We would like to inform Somali parents in Leicester that we have once again had the opportunity to Dr. Fatuma Osman, a senior lecturer at a university in Sweden, will give a lecture on the understanding of children raised in these Western countries and parents who grew up in Somalia and the problems that arise between these two cultures. The meeting is on Sunday 6th December from 4pm to 6pm. The location is: the zoom above.