19 Brunswick street

Leicester LE1 2LP


Support & Advice

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:30

Online Courses always open

Tirokoobka 2021

Tirokoobkii waa uu soo socdaa Axad 21 Maarso. In aad buuxisid tirokoobkaaga, waxaad ka caawineysaa qaabeynta bulshadaada 10-ka sanadood ee soo socda. Tirokoobka wuxuu khuseeyaa qof walba.
Tirokoobka waa sahan gaar ah oo dhaca 10-kii sannoba waxuuna na siisaa sawir guud ee dadka ku nool England iyo Wales.

Waxay noo sheegaysaa baahiyaheena. – Waxay kaa caawineysaa in macluumaadka lagu dhex daro adeegyada go’aan gaarista, sida daryeelka caafimaadka, waxbarashada iyo gaadiidka.

Macluumaad dheeraad ah ka hel www.census.gov.uk

we will assist you 24/7

Quick Contact


The Somali Community Parents Association (SOCOPA) was set up in 2005 with the aim of helping Somali refugees and migrants in Leicester understand and access key services including health, education and housing. We act as a focal point for the community, offering practical support and leadership to improve people’s lives.

Ⓒ 2019 - All Rights Are Reserved

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