GREAT Projects start from small seeds. This is a saying that couldn’t be more true for the community garden project that is currently being planned by SOCOPA, The Conservation Volunteers, Buzzing Roots, and the BIG LOCAL.

Representatives from these organizations recently met to review plans for an unused plot of land located just a short distance away from the SOCOPA office. They envision this land being transformed into a vibrant community garden, providing a space for local residents to come together, connect with nature, and learn about sustainable gardening practices.
At the meeting, preliminary permission was granted to begin planting bulbs in the area. This is an exciting first step in what is sure to be a long and rewarding journey.
Like seeds, projects need time to germinate and grow. We understand that creating a community garden is no small feat, and it will require a lot of hard work and dedication from everyone involved. But, with the right conditions and a little bit of patience, the results can be truly spectacular.
As the project moves forward, we’ll be keeping a close eye on the progress and will be sure to update the community on any developments.
Meantime, back at the library, tips of bulbs are peeking through as a sign of hope and new beginnings. It’s a reminder that great things can start from small seeds and with the right community effort and support, a beautiful garden can flourish.
We look forward to seeing this community garden take shape and the positive impact it will have on our community.