19 Brunswick street

Leicester LE1 2LP


Support & Advice

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:30

Online Courses always open

Awareness campaign on how support children and parents with Mental Health issues.

Waxaan sameyneynaa wacyi galin la xiriirta sida aad u caawin laheyd ubadka ama dhalinyarada ubaahan daryeel dhanka dhimirka ah bari subax oo ah 19ka April 2022, saacadu tahay 12:30-1:30
Goobtu waa xarunta SOCOPA
19 Brunswick street LE1 2LP.
Waxaan doneynaa in aan wada hadal iyo su’aalo iska weydiino sidii aan ku caawin laheyn ubadkeena marka ay la soo daristo xanuunka dhimirka iyo calaamadaha aad ku ogaan kartid ilmaha iyo waalidka baahan daryeel dhanka dhimirka ah.
Waxaan rabnaa 10 qof oo ealiddin ah kaliya, waxaana ku kala sareynaa tobanka ugu soo hor jawaaba. Qof kasta oo ka soo qeyb gala waxaa la siinayaa £20 oo voucher ah.
Waa barnaamij qeyb ka ah wacyi galinta iyo u qareemida ubadka iyo waalidka qoomiyadaha la tirada badan yahay oo ay wado Barnado children’s Charity.
Haddii aad ka soo qeyb galisid text ku soo dir msgscaga iyo telkaaga telefonkan 07853290875
Mahad sanidin

Maamulka SOCOPA

We are conducting an awareness campaign on how to help children or young people in need of psychiatric care tomorrow morning, April 19, 2022, from 12: 30-1: 30. The venue is the SOCOPA headquarters 19 Brunswick street LE1 2LP. We want to talk and ask questions about how we can help our children when they have a mental illness and the symptoms you can recognize in children and parents in need of mental health care. We only want 10 parents, and we rank them in the top ten. Each participant will receive a £ 20 voucher. It is part of Barnado Children’s Charity’s outreach and advocacy program for children and parents of ethnic minorities.
If you want to take part please send by text your name and phone.
Thank you SOCOPA Administration

we will assist you 24/7

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The Somali Community Parents Association (SOCOPA) was set up in 2005 with the aim of helping Somali refugees and migrants in Leicester understand and access key services including health, education and housing. We act as a focal point for the community, offering practical support and leadership to improve people’s lives.

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