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Wacyi galinta Covid-19

Waxaa jira qorshe uu soo jeedshay wasiirka Caafimaadka Matt Hannock, kaas oo ah dhaqaale dhan £ 500 in lasiiyo ama lagu caawiyo qof kasta marka lahubiyo in uu qabo ama ku dhacay xanuunka Covid-19,ayada oo aan loo eegeyn da’da uu jiro iyo dakgliga soo galaya, qorshahaan cusub wuxuu fursad siinayaa dad badan oo dheeraad ah aysan horey suurta gal ugu aheyn in ay helaan cawimaadii sanduqii dhaqaale ee layiraahdo Trace and Track support payment,oo ku xadadayey dadka xaqa u leh dhaqalahan in lagu kabo dadka dakgligoodu hooseeyo laguna kabo dhaqaalaha, Kuwaan oo aan awoodi karin in ay  guriga ku shaqeeyan. Waxaa dawladu dooneysaa ayna dhiira galinaysaa in dadku isbaaran marka ay dareemaan calamadaha  xanuunka Covid-19, si  hoos loogu dhigo fiditaanka xanuunkaan halista ah. Si looyareeyo halista iyo saameynta xun ee uu ku reebi karo bulshada. Hadaba dawladu waxey ka codsaneysaa dadweynaha in ay qaatan door kooda, ayna u hogaan samaan talooyinka iyo amarada ay bixinayso oo ku aadan sidii aan u cirib tiri laheyn xanuunka dilaaga ah oo mudadada ka badan sanadka aafeeyay dunida iyo dalkeena UK, kaas oo naga qaaday xoriyadii iyo isdhexgalkii qoysaska iyo bulshada guud ahaan. Waxaa qorshahaan la rejaynayaa in galabta galinka danbe lagu dhawaaqo marka ay fiirshan dhowr soo jeedin oo ay tahay in ay kala doortan.

There is a plan proposed by Health Minister Matt Hannock, which is a £ 500 grant to help everyone who is diagnosed with Covid-19, regardless of age or income. As a result, the new plan provides an opportunity for many more people who were previously unable to access Trace and Track support payment, which has limited the number of people eligible for this subsidy to subsidize low-income earners. , Who are unable to work at home. The government wants and encourages people to get tested when they experience symptoms of Covid-19, to reduce the spread of this serious disease. To reduce the risk and negative impact it can have on society. The government urges the public to play their part and abide by its recommendations and directives on how to eradicate the deadly disease that has plagued the world and our country for more than a year, which has deprived us of our freedom and interaction with families and society as a whole. The plan is expected to be announced later this afternoon after considering several proposals to choose from. Ministers eye plan to give EVERYONE testing positive for Covid £ 500 https://www.dailymail.co.uk 

Ministers eye plan to give EVERYONE testing positive for Covid £500


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The Somali Community Parents Association (SOCOPA) was set up in 2005 with the aim of helping Somali refugees and migrants in Leicester understand and access key services including health, education and housing. We act as a focal point for the community, offering practical support and leadership to improve people’s lives.

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